Charlotte Caslick Stars in the Newest Tradie Underwear Promo Ad

Charlotte Caslick Stars in the Newest Tradie Underwear Promo Ad

Josh White, the CEO of Lampoon Group and Charlotte Caslick's manager, announced her partnership with Tradie and explained that this collaboration between Caslick and our brand represents the growing value of marketability for women athletes in Australia.

“We’ve seen, and continue to see, huge growth and interest around women’s sport in this country,” He stated. “And big companies are paying attention!”

When it comes to equality, we’ve always been at the frontlines as a brand. “Tradie understands the value and star power Charlotte delivers, and it’s fantastic to see them investing in female athletes to amplify the impact they are making.” White continued in his remarks.

We can consider Caslick's campaign as a departure from Tradie Underwear's traditionally tongue-in-cheek ads. “We’re extremely pleased with the direction of this new ad and how it exemplifies the drive and determination it takes to be among Australia’s top athletes.” Says Ben Goodfellow, Tradie’s General Manager and Founder.

In the ad, we see the passionate Charlotte Caslick training hard while wearing Tradie. She challenges the idea that success is a result of luck, as so many people would choose to believe.

“They don't see the pain and the hard work. They just see your socials and judge you.” She declares. At the end of the promo, Caslick stands tall and proud, sarcastically saying “Yeah, it's probably luck!”

The Olympic Gold Medalist herself is quite excited about the campaign. “I love that Tradie Underwear is so passionate about supporting and encouraging women in sport. Their sports undies are so comfortable and perfect for the active lifestyle I lead,” She stated in an interview. “Plus, they look great!”

Tradie is always looking for the best, both in its products and advertisement campaigns. Many successful athletes have worked with us over the years and Charlotte Caslick is definitely one of the most passionate and popular stars who has already proven to be a breath of fresh air for our brand.

Read the full article at Mumbrella.

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